Clone TC8 validated for studying tumor infiltrating CD8 positive T cells in FFPE tissues
CD8 Antibody
Dense infiltrate of CD8 positive lymphoyctes in adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
Fig.2: Adenocarcinoma of the prostate infiltrated by CD8 positive lymphocytes.
Fig.3: Adenocarcinoma of the lung with marked infiltration by CD8 positive lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are predominantly located between cancer cells with immediate contact to neoplastic cells.
Fig.4: Adenocarcinoma of the lung with marked infiltration by CD8 positive lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are almost exclusivel located in the tumor stroma and do not have immediate contact to neoplastic cells.
Fig.5: Dense infiltrate of CD8 positive lymphocytes in an adenocarcinoma of the esophageus.
Fig.6: Very high density of CD8 positive lymphocytes in an adenocarcinoma of the esophageus.
Fig.7: CD8 positive lymphocytes are predominantly located in the tumor stroma in this adenocarcinoma of the esophageus.
Fig.8: Intestinal type gastric cancer with a moderately dense infiltration of CD8 positive cells.
Fig.9: Intestinal type gastric cancer containing relatively few CD8 positive cells.
Fig.10: Only few CD8 positive lymphocytes in a mucinous ovarian tumor.
Fig.11: CD8 positive lymphocytes in an endometroid ovarian cancer.
Fig.12: Dense infiltrate of CD8 positive lymphocytes in an serous carcinoma of the ovary.
Fig.13: Scattered CD8 positive lymphocytes in a squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva are predominantly located at the stroma-epithelium interface.
Fig.14: CD8 positive lymphocytes in a squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri. In this case, lymphocytes are predominantly located in the cancer stroma.
Fig.15: CD8 positive lymphocytes in a squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri. In this case, lymphocytes are located both in the cancer stroma in within cancer cell nests.
Fig.16: Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix uteri with very dense lymphocytic infiltration.
CD8 antibody
CD8 antibody
Fig.18: Vaginal squamous cell carcinoma with very dense infiltration of CD8 positive lymphocytes.
Fig.19: Papillary kidny cancer with few CD8 positive lymphocytes.
Fig.20: Clear cell kidney cancer with moderately dense infiltration of CD8 positive lymphocytes.
CD8 antibody
CD8 antibody
Fig.22: Clear cell kidney cancer with only few scattered CD8 positive lymphocytes.
CD8 Antibody
CD8 Antibody
Clear cell kidney cancer with high number of CD8 positive lymphocytes. CD8 positive cells are regularly arranged at the periphery of tumor cell sheets.
Fig.24: Some scattered CD8 positive lymphocytes in a papillary non-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder.
Fig.25: Dense infiltrate of CD8 positive lymphocytes in a muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder.
Fig.26: CD8 positive lymphocytes in liver cell cancer (moderate density).
cd8 antibody
cd8 antibody
CD8 antibody
CD8 antibody
Fig.29: Anal squamous cell carcinoma with scattered CD8 positive lymphocytes.
CD8 antibody
CD8 antibody
Anal squamous cell carcinoma with scattered CD8 positive lymphocytes.
cd8 antibody
cd8 antibody
CD8 antibody
CD8 antibody
CD8 positive lymphocytes in this neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas are primarily located in the tumor stroma.
Fig.33: CD8 positive lymphocytes in a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.
Fig.34: Dense infiltration of CD8 positive lymphocytes in a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.
CD8 antibody
CD8 antibody
Fig.36: CD8 positive lymphocytes in a squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity.
CD8 Antibody

Der CD8-Antikörper Klon TC8 wurde speziell für den immunhistochemischen (IHC) Nachweis von CD8 in menschlichen FFPE-Routine-Gewebeproben entwickelt. Klon TC8 wurde für einen optimalen Signal-Rausch-Kontrast optimiert und für die Identifizierung von CD8+-tumorinfiltrierenden T-Zellen (TILs) validiert, mit dem Ziel, einen unübertroffenen spezifischen Nachweis von CD8 in der Tumormikroumgebung zu ermöglichen.

CD8+ T-Zellen spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Vernichtung von Krebszellen. Sie haben die Fähigkeit, verschiedene menschliche Tumore zu infiltrieren und sind an der Entwicklung eines spezifischen Tumormikroumfelds beteiligt. Krebszellen haben Mechanismen entwickelt, um der Immunreaktion gegen den Tumor erfolgreich auszuweichen, indem sie hemmende Signale durch Hochregulierung der Expression immunsuppressiver Komponenten erzeugen. Eine wirksame Blockade dieser Interaktion wird als ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Entwicklung von Krebsimmuntherapien angesehen. Darüber hinaus scheinen bereits vorhandene CD8+ T-Zellen die Wirksamkeit solcher Immun-Checkpoint-Therapien vorherzusagen.

Der T-Zell-Rezeptor (TCR) erkennt spezifische antigene Peptide auf der Oberfläche von Krebs- und anderen Zielzellen, die von HLA-I/β2m-Komplexen präsentiert werden. Die Bindung an den TCR induziert eine Signaltransduktionskaskade, die zur Ausführung zytotoxischer T-Lymphozyten-Funktionen (CTL) führt. Während CD8+ T-Zellen direkt an antitumoralen zytotoxischen Reaktionen beteiligt sind, ist die Beteiligung von CD4+ T-Zellen eher indirekt, z.B. durch ihre Hilfe beim Priming von CD8+ T-Zellen.

Im Gegensatz dazu werden inhibitorische T-Zell-Rezeptoren wie PD-1, CTLA-4 und TIGIT durch die immunsuppressive Tumormikroumgebung mit dem Ziel aktiviert, tumorinfiltrierende Lymphozyten (TILs) zu inaktivieren. Zu den derzeit wirksamsten Krebsimmuntherapien gehören die Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibition ICI und die Blockierung von T-Zell-inhibierenden Rezeptoren. Darüber hinaus scheint eine wirksame Blockade-Immuntherapie mit dem Vorkommen von CD8+ T-Zellen assoziiert zu werden.

Specifische Referenzen für Klon TC8
Blessin et al. Patterns of CD112R expression in normal lymphatic tissues, inflammation and cancer. Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2020; April 27-28, 2020 and June 22-24, 2020; Philadelphia, PA, Volume 80, Issue 16 Supplement, pp. 3870.
Simon et al. Prognostic role of CD112R, PD-1 and Ki67 expression in CD8+cytotoxic T cells in colorectal cancer. Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2020; April 27-28, 2020 and June 22-24, 2020; Philadelphia, PA, Volume 80, Issue 16 Supplement, pp. 4970.
Eichenauer, T. et al. High level of EZH2 expression is linked to high density of CD8-positive T-lymphocytes and an aggressive phenotype in renal cell carcinoma. World J Urol (2020).
Fraune, C. et al. MMR Deficiency is Homogeneous in Pancreatic Carcinoma and Associated with High Density of Cd8-Positive Lymphocytes. Ann Surg Oncol 27, 3997–4006 (2020).
Blessin et al. Prevalence of CD8+ cytotoxic lymphocytes in human neoplasms. Cellular Oncology 2020, 43: 421-430.

CD8 Antikörper Produktdetails
